Top 7 mind-blowing interview questions

Well, we all know that candidates should be prepared for a variety of questions during the interview. Glassdoor made a research and found the most unusual.
What would be your answer? 🙂
- SpaceX Propulsion Structural Analyst Interview
Interview Answers
“It splits along the slits I put in it before I started to grill. Clearly you need someone that knows how to grill.”
“It explodes on both ends, trust me , I have seen this happen. Otherwise, down the middle.”
2. Hubspot Account Manager Interview
Interview Answers
“Medical marijuana co.”
“I wouldn’t tell and let you still my brilliant idea!!!”
“I would open a mortgage title insurance company, strictly to review abstracts and title commitments and to issue the policies.”
3. Whole Foods Market Meat Cutter Interview
Interview Answers
“Neither. We don’t fight at Whole Foods.”
“One horse-sized duck, because, imagine how much roasted duck that would yield!”
4. Boston Consulting Group Consultant Interview
Interview Answers
“Simply Amazing”
“Looks good, tastes great!”
5. Delta Air Lines Revenue Management Co-op Interview
Interview Answers
“How many need to fit?”
“Filled with air or deflated? Details matter.”
“Cannot answer question, if the room was filled with balls, you could not open door to count”
6. Trader Joe’s Interviewee Interview
Interview Answers
“Give him some fish.”
“Take a selfie!”
“ Loooooooooool, I would close the door :)))))))))))”
7. Dropbox Dropbox Rotation Program Interview
Interview Answers
“1) Cash balance
2) Dept Head reports
3) Forecast”“ Stock price, email, industry news”
“ Status, profit, messages”