Employer Branding: Top 8 Career Pages

Published by Yuliya Rybalova on

Career webpages should express not only how unique your company is, but also refer to the type of candidate you hope to attract.

It is a good practice to share on your career page information about the company, recruitment process, team, company culture. This could be one of the main arguments for candidates when choosing a job.

Tips and Tricks for the perfect career page

#1 Separate the consumer brand from the employer brand. Don’t forget to target your audience: graduates, professionals, etc.

#2 Employees’ video reviews: no one is as much convincing as potential colleagues. You can also make funny videos from everyday company life or success stories of your employees

#3 Tell the candidates about what you are ready to teach them and how do you want to invest in them.

#4 There is never too much creativity. You can be inspiring, surprising, and…even shocking

#5 Be honest and talk about your mission in such a way, that candidates would want to be a part of it





